Wirral Labour-Con coalition sell much loved civic centre: Greens vote for community asset transfer

Our much loved Bromborough civic centre is being sold by Labour and Conservatives. Green councillors voted for community asset transfer.

We can count the value of property in pounds. But how do you count a young person learning to read, a family receiving food they need, and a warm hub for an elderly and lonely person? These things are very difficult to count. But they are part of what Councillors are elected to do.

A really good example is Bromborough civic centre. There is long history of community support for Bromborough library and civic centre – and I’m sad to say - opposition by Wirral Council. In the last few years alone, there have been petitions signed by thousands of local residents, there’s been motions at full Council, there’s been debate at Council committees, there’s been a play, press articles, and it was a key local election issue. Unlike any other asset on the list to be disposed of, this site already has two credible assessed Community Asset Transfer business plans.

Selling Bromborough Civic Centre at “best value” is against the expressed wishes of Bromborough’s community, its elected representatives and the Tourism Communities Culture and Leisure committee.

It’s a very divisive decision that damages the Council’s relationship with communities across the Wirral. Selling Bromborough civic centre for the highest price, shows the Council can mislead any community and sell any loved asset.

Shamelessly, 10 Wirral Labour and Conservative councillors voted to sell Bromborough civic centre, before the current Community Asset Transfer process is completed.

3 Green councillors and a LibDem voted for Community Asset Transfer.


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