We reclaim these streets every time we walk on them

We're here in memory of all the women who've been raped or murdered. All our sisters. We won't let it be forgotten.

Diane Sindall was murdered here in Birkenhead in 1986. I came here when I was 15 to protest.

We also remember Annette McGavigan who was killed when she was 14, in Derry~Londonderry in 1971.

Jill Dando, 1999

Shafilea Ahmed, 2003

Jo Cox MP, 2016

We remember Detective Leanne McKie who was murdered by her husband, Police Inspector Darren McKie, in 2017.

We remember the beautiful dancing sisters Nicole Smallman and Bibaa Henry who were murdered last year, 2020.

And we remember Sarah Everard, who was murdered last week.

We will not let them be forgotten. We protest. We speak up.

We Reclaim These Streets every time we walk on them.

We demand that the people in power protect our right to protest, defend our safety and protect our human rights.

17 March 2021


National Day of Reflection


Imagining if people come before profit